Top 3 signs it is time for an office fit-out

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14:46 PM

When employees spend approximately 8 hours a day in the same space, every single day, for years, they are bound to feel uninspired by the office space. Of course, over time, your office will also face some inevitable wear and tear as the paint wears off, furniture breaks, and the motivation quotes on walls need to be replaced.
Keeping your employees motivated enough to increase profits is a struggle. However, one of the ways to do this is by providing a functional workplace that inspires them every single day. Moreover, clients judge your business based on the space you operate in. You would not want a client to feel disgusted by a space that lacks a welcoming feel.

Here are some signs that show that it is time for an office fit-out:

There is Not Enough Lighting and Ventilation

According to research, natural light helps boost productivity. However, if you do not have sufficient lighting in your space, clients and staff may not feel fully comfortable. In fact, soon enough, your office will start to impact productivity levels as well as the way customers look at your organisation.
An office is where all the planning, action, and creativity take place. As a business owner, you want clients to feel confident when they place an order with you. However, how will you do this if the very space you work in is outdated and boring?


2.   There are Signs that the Staff is Unhappy

If you have been hearing constant complaints of the staff being unhappy with the workplace and most amenities are worn out or broken, you must take action. When figuring out whether it is time for an office fit-out, look to see that there are no broken drawers, toilets, computers, or zip taps. You may not think that these things matter much, but your staff spends a majority of their day in the office. They deserve a functioning space.
To find out how your staff feels about the current interior, create an anonymous online survey and ask for staff feedback. This way, you will be able to learn what needs to be improved at the office and how you can create a more positive environment so that your workers feel productive and proud of their workplace.


3.   Health and Safety Issues Start to Spring Up

With all the chaos going on with incoming and outgoing orders, you may have forgotten to take a good look at your workplace. However, if you find any of these, it is time to call for an instant office renovation:

  • Trailing cords and cables
  • Boxes that are stacked over 18 inches in height
  • Broken desks and chairs
  • Air conditioners or heaters that are not functioning
  • Overloaded electrical outlets
  • Filing cabinets with broken locks
  • Dirty, worn-out carpets
  • Imbalanced surfaces


Even though no office is perfect, these are some safety concerns that need your immediate attention. If you think that it is time for an office fit-out, get in touch with us today, and we provide you with a functioning and affordable design for your workplace.